Anno 31 N. 1 (2023): Issue 1/2023

Diskursive Realia und Übersetzung.: Herkunft und Porijeklo von Saša Stanišić als Reise durch diskursive Weltbilder

Aleksandra Ščukanec
Universität Zagreb

Pubblicato 05/16/2023

Parole chiave

  • realia, discursive realia, culturemes, Saša Stanišić, Herkunft, translation

Come citare

Rocco, G., & Ščukanec, A. (2023). Diskursive Realia und Übersetzung.: Herkunft und Porijeklo von Saša Stanišić als Reise durch diskursive Weltbilder. Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 31(1). Recuperato da


This paper introduces the term ‘discursive realia’ as a subcategory of umbrella terms ‘realia’, ‘culturemes’or ‘culture-bound elements’. The term ‘discursive realia’ is brought into connection with Czachur’s concept ‘diskursive Weltbilder’ (2013) which is based on the premise that the category of discursive worldview should integrate the methods used in discourse analysis, semantics and cognitive linguistics. These theoretical considerations are followed by the analysis of Saša Stanišić’s novel “Herkunft” in the light of discursive worldviews, in which special attention is given to interlingual discourse transfer and usage of discursive realia in the original German version of the novel and its translation into Croatian. The Croatian version “Porijeklo” is of particular interest since the elements of discursive worldviews that are transmitted to German speaking target audience in “Herkunft”, are potentially directed towards the readers that belong to the culture(s) in question and speakers of intercomprehensive national standards (Bosnian, Croatian, etc.) with discursive worldviews in common or perceived from another perspective in “Porijeklo”. Besides culture-specific and socio-political terms, this paper also takes into consideration the concept of autotranslation and selftranslation as a mode of writing.