Anno 15 N. 1 (2007): Fascicolo 1/2007

Il prestito linguistico tra teoria e retorica: criteri metodologici ed effetti stilistici

Pubblicato 06/10/2008

Come citare

Vaccaro, V. A. (2008). Il prestito linguistico tra teoria e retorica: criteri metodologici ed effetti stilistici. Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 15(1), 117–154. Recuperato da


This work studies the rhetoric presence of linguistic loan in Marguerite Yourcenar’s literature. We try to understand how the encounter between languages affects on writing and stylistic peculiarities. From Ascoli to Gusmani, and Deroy, Wind, Guilbert, Martinet, Coseriu and Weinreich the loan receives an historiographical, sociolinguistic, structuralist approach, and then an interest of its dynamic linguistics. Relationships between rhetoric and loan focus on linguistic and literary creativity and rhetorical use of the loan in Yourcenar, analyzing loans and describing semantic peculiarities. This study shows that the nomadic life of Yourcenar has influenced his writing, and loans express conscious stylistic choices.