Anno 15 N. 1 (2007): Fascicolo 1/2007

«Existe-t-il des signes visuels?» Rivisitazione del Traité du signe visueldel Groupe μ

Pubblicato 06/10/2008

Come citare

Amadò, M. (2008). «Existe-t-il des signes visuels?» Rivisitazione del Traité du signe visueldel Groupe μ. Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 15(1), 7–23. Recuperato da


In order to develop its great potential, visual communication needs to be founded on the characteristics of the visual channel and on the typologies of the visual signs (iconic and plastic), therefore, on a specific semiotic and rhetoric distinct from the ones of the linguistic sign. Visual signs, in particular the noblest expressions like the artistic ones, reveal themselves more as aims rather than as means. They do not point away from themselves but to themselves: this connotation is founded on the autonomy of visual signs as regards the reported reality. The respective itineraries can emphasize the possibilities and inherent to a visually constructed logic with nonverbal characteristics.