Anno 15 N. 2 (2007): Fascicolo 2/2007

Il linguaggio scolastico ticinese: alcune osservazioni e peculiarità

Pubblicato 11/10/2008

Come citare

Crugnola, R. (2008). Il linguaggio scolastico ticinese: alcune osservazioni e peculiarità. Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 15(2), 379–392. Recuperato da


Italian is full of regional varieties. This article is focused on the Italian language in use in Switzerland (Canton Ticino) and its main aim is to point out (especially lexical) differences between school language in the Italian speaking Switzerland and in Italy. De iure no Swiss standard variety exists for Italian, but de facto many Swiss regional peculiarities can be recognized (in the examined corpus they are divided into 9 categories). The results of the present work suggest that a Fachsprachen (e.g. school language) oriented approach can be effective for pointing out differences between the Italian language in use in Switzerland and in Italy. Some dictionaries already started to underline this diathopic factor and to categorize some Swiss terms as Helvetic forms, thus leading to a sort of de iure acknowledgement of the Swiss variety.