Anno 18 N. 1 (2010): Fascicolo 1/2010

Funzioni testuali e pragmatiche delle particelle russe: un confronto fra russo e italiano [Текстуальные и прагматические функции русских частиц: Сопоста-вительный анализ русского и итальянского языков]

Pubblicato 01/10/2011

Come citare

Bonola, A. (2011). Funzioni testuali e pragmatiche delle particelle russe: un confronto fra russo e italiano [Текстуальные и прагматические функции русских частиц: Сопоста-вительный анализ русского и итальянского языков]. Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 18(1), 173–185. Recuperato da


The article analyses Russian particles with textual and pragmatic functions, i.e. which create textual cohesion and express the speakers’ attitude and situational references. The particles are interpreted as markers of sequential connectives, Eddo Rigotti’s concept which indicates a predicate at textual level which includes both logico-semantic and pragmatic suppositions among arguments. The analysis of the examples concerns the particle ved’, interpreted as a sequential connective marker and its Italian translations. It is noted that Russian particles are rendered in Italian partially by discourse markers or through syntactic tools. Discourse markers include adverbs and particles (often clearly deverbal), but Italian appears to attribute fewer pragmatic-textual functions than Russian to these particles.