Anno 18 N. 2 (2010): Fascicolo 2/2010

Centralità della voce e punto di vista della psicologia. Agostino Gemelli (1878-1959) e la Scuola di Praga

Pubblicato 07/10/2011

Come citare

Galazzi, E. (2011). Centralità della voce e punto di vista della psicologia. Agostino Gemelli (1878-1959) e la Scuola di Praga. Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 18(2), 395–409. Recuperato da


Agostino Gemelli’s interest for Prague Phonology makes progress through the path of psychology, in an attempt to define the aims of psychological investigation along the lines of Stumpf and Bühler. The premise that explains the advantage and precocity of the reception of his new ideas at an international, but above all national level, is the fact that he perfected his academic scholarship and training in Germany. The Archive of the Università Cattolica conserves interesting traces of the scientific and human fellowship between Gemelli and Bühler, which began in 1911 in Munich and lasted for over thirty years, as well as an ample collection of letters exchanged between colleagues and laboratories all over the world. In fact, together with the founding of the Catholic University, Gemelli carried forward a cultural project which was aimed at the catholic (i.e. whole) world, deeply rooted in the development of scientific research. To this end, as well as Gemelli’s works, the Archive and catalogue records of the Catholic University library will be investigated, with particular attention to the discipline of Phonetic Sciences which was just struggling into life.