Anno 25 N. 2 Supplement (2017): Fascicolo 2/2017 Supplemento

Beyond the Classroom: the Impact of EMI on a University’s Linguistic Landscape

Pubblicato 03/10/2018

Parole chiave

  • English-Medium Instruction (EMI),
  • Linguistic Landscape (LL),
  • language policy,
  • internationalisation

Come citare

Helm, F., & Dalziel, F. (2018). Beyond the Classroom: the Impact of EMI on a University’s Linguistic Landscape. Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 25(2 Supplement). Recuperato da


In this paper we explore the linguistic landscape of an Italian state university. A “Linguistic Landscape” refers to the language visible in public spaces, and to a transdisciplinary approach adopted in language policy studies, often in “arenas of contestation”. The EMI context can be considered such an arena; linguistic landscaping offers an exciting new methodological approach, enabling observation of the changing face of universities in their quest for ever-increasing internationalisation.