Year 27 No. 2 (2019): Issue 2/2019

Processi manipolativi nella Russia post-sovietica: verso la creazione di una nuova immagine del nemico

Valentina Noseda
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Published 12/10/2019


  • manipulation,
  • propaganda,
  • image of the enemy,
  • fallacies,
  • speech analysis

How to Cite

Noseda, V. (2019). Processi manipolativi nella Russia post-sovietica: verso la creazione di una nuova immagine del nemico. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 27(2). Retrieved from


Like in the past, the image of the enemy is used in today’s Russia to justify some government behaviour and manipulate citizens, obtaining their consent. This also occurs thanks to the role of a strong and persuasive leader such as the current President of the Russian Federation. In this work some of his speeches are analysed considering the following manipulative processes: presupposition violation, emotional language, metaphors and different types of fallacies. The analysis will allow us to define the features of a new image of the enemy which has emerged in post-soviet Russia.