Year 32 No. 1 (2024): Issue 1/2024

Traduction poétique et ponctuation d’auteur : le cas de Jules Laforgue

Published 04/02/2024


  • Jules Laforgue,
  • Poetic translation,
  • Translating puncuation

How to Cite

Lucioni, M. (2024). Traduction poétique et ponctuation d’auteur : le cas de Jules Laforgue. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 32(1). Retrieved from


This article is concerned with ponctuation d'auteur in relation to poetic translation. Through the study of the Italian translations of two emblematic poems from Jules Laforgue’s collection L’Imitation de Notre-Dame la Lune, we will analyze a series of trends and issues related to the trasposition of punctuation in the context of “style”. At the same time, we will question the very concept of “translating” punctuation, as well as the notion of “quasi universality” of punctuation marks, highlighting the importance of “imaginaries” of punctuation at an interlinguistic level.