Year 32 No. 1 (2024): Issue 1/2024

Yves Bonnefoy e Fabio Scotto: immaginari del tradurre a confronto

Riccardo Raimondo
Università di Catania

Published 04/02/2024


  • yves bonnefoy,
  • fabio scotto,
  • imaginaries of translation,
  • semiology of translation

How to Cite

Raimondo, R. (2024). Yves Bonnefoy e Fabio Scotto: immaginari del tradurre a confronto. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 32(1). Retrieved from


Building on the theory of the imaginaries of translation, the article aims to outline the main features of a semiological comparison between two poet-translators who are deeply interconnected in their literary and personal lives: Yves Bonnefoy and Fabio Scotto. Bonnefoy-translator manipulates the translation through a personal rewriting that magnifies and enhances his personal poetics. At the same time, Bonnefoy-poet prefers for his works a translator who can be in tune with his practice of writing and reading. Scotto, his main Italian translator, proves to have these attributes: the ‘sense of sound’―as Scotto defines it―is shaped as the experience of a wholeness which implies a profound understanding between the translator and the author.


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