Year 17 No. 2 (2009): Issue 2/2009

L’insegnamento dell’arabo in contesto migratorio: proposte per un modello didattico diglossico e minimalista

Published 11/10/2010

How to Cite

Grande, F. (2010). L’insegnamento dell’arabo in contesto migratorio: proposte per un modello didattico diglossico e minimalista. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 17(2), 373–403. Retrieved from


This paper deals with the language-teaching model adopted within the Arabic language teaching program Laboratorio Interculturale (LABINT) held in Milan. Section 1 sketches out the sociolinguistic and educational scenario in the Arab countries, focusing on their diglossic situation. Section 2 offers a case-study of LABINT’s language-teaching model. Section 3 and 4 put forward that the learning of Modern Standard Arabic is simplified if one capitalizes on pupils’ dialectal competence, which is both lexical, as claimed in sociolinguistics (‘coexisting systems’ hypothesis) and syntactic, as assumed in the Chomskyan ‘Principles and Parameters’ model. Section 5 and 6 draft a syllabus based on this approach and present the conclusions.