Year 18 No. 1 (2010): Issue 1/2010

Caratteristiche aspettuali e temporali del verbo francese e russo: analisi contrastiva [Видовременные характеристики французского глагола в сопоставле-нии с русским]

Published 01/10/2011

How to Cite

Kuznecova, I. (2011). Caratteristiche aspettuali e temporali del verbo francese e russo: analisi contrastiva [Видовременные характеристики французского глагола в сопоставле-нии с русским]. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 18(1), 47–55. Retrieved from


The author’s arguments strongly indicate that tense anteriority is of primary importance for the French verb’s categorial system as it is the case for the aspect opposition in Russian. That is why the system of equivalences suggested by the French linguists: simple tenses of the French verb – imperfect aspect of the Russian verb and composed tenses of the French verb – perfect aspect of the Russian verb, covers only 90% of the cases. The other cases do confirm the author’s statement about the primary significations of the verb categories in the compared languages.