Year 20 No. 1 (2012): Issue 1/2012

Metafonologia de I demòni di F.M. Dostoevskij: analisi e problemi di traduzione

Published 04/10/2013

How to Cite

Sarracco, R. (2013). Metafonologia de I demòni di F.M. Dostoevskij: analisi e problemi di traduzione. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 20(1), 53–69. Retrieved from


This essay presents a metaphonological analysis of a dialog between Peter Verchovensky and Stavrogin from the novel Demons by F.M. Dostoevsky, according to the definition of ‘metaphonolog y’ given by Sergio Cigada in 1989. Metaphonological forms of each character are hereby isolated and classified according to the sovrasegmental tracts of rhythm and volume. This way some nuances of fictional communication in Dostoevsky’s novel are reconstructed, which are read in the light of his theatrality and of the coexistence, declared by the author himself, of tragic and comic aspects. In the end the author proposes some solutions for the Italian translation of the metaphonological text.