Year 24 No. 1 (2016): Issue 1/2016

Contributo per un’edizione critica della versione armena dell’Eutifrone di Platone: il manoscritto 1123 della Biblioteca dei Padri Mechitaristi di Venezia e l’edizione a stampa

Published 07/10/2016


  • Euthyphro,
  • Plat,
  • Armenian translation,
  • manuscript

How to Cite

Scarpellini, S. (2016). Contributo per un’edizione critica della versione armena dell’Eutifrone di Platone: il manoscritto 1123 della Biblioteca dei Padri Mechitaristi di Venezia e l’edizione a stampa. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 24(1), 119–124. Retrieved from


The old Armenian Version of Plato’s Euthyphro is preserved in a unique manuscript (n.1123) in the library of the San Lazzaro Fathers Mekitarists in Venice. In 1877 Father Suk‘rean edited this translation which was later studied by Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare in 1891 and by Roberto Solari in 1969, without re-examining the manuscript accurately.
In this article, which is a first step to a future edition, I will submit the text of Father Suk‘rean’s work alongside an in-depth analysis of both the manuscript itself and the edition, in order to provide better readings from a philological and a linguistic point of view.