Year 25 No. 2 (2017): Issue 2/2017

“Ясность” и “связность” как смысловые доминанты нарратива В. Гроссмана (“За правое дело”, “Жизнь и судьба”)

Published 12/10/2017


  • Grossman,
  • narrative,
  • repetition,
  • discourse strategy

How to Cite

Галина Жиличева, Г. Ж. (2017). “Ясность” и “связность” как смысловые доминанты нарратива В. Гроссмана (“За правое дело”, “Жизнь и судьба”). L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 25(2), 187–200. Retrieved from


This paper deals with the dominant ideas of the narrative structure of Vasily Grossman’s novels. The semantic fields of the concepts of ‘clearness’ (‘yasnost’’) and ‘connectedness’ (‘svyaznost’’) are being analyzed. In Grossman’s dilogy, these concepts are being regarded as the signs of the plot situation of ‘revelation’.
This article suggests that the words “yasnyi” (clear, serene, obvious), “prozrachnyi” (transparent), “svet” (light), “svyaz’” (bond, link, connection), “nit’” (thread) and their cognates can be described as overdetermined signs due to their frequent usage in Grossman’s dilogy. Such signs are related to the basic metaphors of European literature (the correlation of world, text and fabric; metaphors of vision) and, therefore, they are the crucial parts of Grossman’s dialogue with previous literature tradition. The usage of the concepts of ‘clearness’ and ‘connectedness’ emphasizes the sophisticated interaction between the two parts of the communicative structure of the novels – between the discourse of ‘revelation’ and the discourse of ‘agitation’. Moreover, those concepts can also bear a metanarrative significance. Grossman’s narrative manifests the urge of the ultimate ‘connectedness’ and ‘clearness’ while showing the ‘invisible’ threads and ‘clear’ truth.