Year 29 No. 2 (2021): Issue 2/2021

Газ. Об одном отрывке из романа Василия Гроссмана Жизнь и судьба

Anna Krasnikova
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Published 10/14/2021


  • Vasily Grossman,
  • Life and Fate,
  • textual criticism

How to Cite

Krasnikova, A. (2021). Газ. Об одном отрывке из романа Василия Гроссмана Жизнь и судьба. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 29(2). Retrieved from


The paper presents one of the first approaches to the textual criticism of Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman. Gas is a fragment of the novel that, presumably, is the first piece chosen by the author for the publication, but it did not pass the censorship; now it is conserved in the  Russian State Archive of Literature and Art. The paper compares Gas with the corresponding chapters of the main editions of Life and Fate, and this analysis allows us to see some vectors of the evolution of the novel.