Year 25 No. 2 (2017): Issue 2/2017

«Come si dice?» / «Wie heisst das?» – Strategie di ricerca lessicale in visite guidate con italiano e tedesco L2

Published 12/10/2017


  • word search,
  • Conversation Analysis,
  • touristic communication,
  • interactional linguistics

How to Cite

Ravetto, M. (2017). «Come si dice?» / «Wie heisst das?» – Strategie di ricerca lessicale in visite guidate con italiano e tedesco L2. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 25(2), 19. Retrieved from


The paper investigates word search sequences in a corpus of guided tours, in which tourist guides speak Italian and German as foreign languages. Italian and German are, on the contrary, the native languages of the group of tourists. Using the approach of Conversation Analysis, the study describes and classifies the word search dynamics and strategies, through which tourist guides try to find the problematic word.