Year 29 No. 3 (2021): Issue 3/2021

Das Partizip Präsens als Attribut in sprachvergleichender Perspektive (Deutsch-Italienisch): Gemeinsamkeiten, Unterschiede und ihre DaF-/DaZ-didaktischen Implikationen

University Pisa

Published 01/13/2022


  • present participle as attribute,
  • right- and left-determinative elements,
  • left position,
  • right position,
  • didactics of German as foreign and second language

How to Cite

MALLOGGI, P. (2022). Das Partizip Präsens als Attribut in sprachvergleichender Perspektive (Deutsch-Italienisch): Gemeinsamkeiten, Unterschiede und ihre DaF-/DaZ-didaktischen Implikationen. L’Analisi Linguistica E Letteraria, 29(3). Retrieved from


The present participle as attribute shows different syntactic behaviour in the target languages (German-Italian). In German, it typically occurs before the head noun in the nominal phrase; in Italian, it mostly occurs after the head noun, can also come before it. In German, the participial
attribute can be extended by left-determinative elements of different typology, in Italian by only one element which can be right- or left-determinative. The present comparative analysis provides suggestions for teaching the present participle as attribute in the didactics of German as foreign and second language.